Travellers to leave ELF site by Thursday 28 May

The Police have issued a notice to the Travellers encamped on the Effingham Lodge Farm site off Lower Road, that they must vacate the site by 09:00 28 May 2020, otherwise they will evict them. The Police are using their powers due to the impact the Travellers are having on the Community. Berkeley Homes have been informed, and should secure the land after the Travellers have departed.

1 thought on “Travellers to leave ELF site by Thursday 28 May”

  1. Given the cost of cleaning and clearing up the foul mess they leave, why do the police not note their vehicle registration nos. so that the council can invoice them the cost of the clean up? It,s outrageous that the costs for the KGV clean up fell to the local taxpayers.

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