Badger Set Band
Facebook @TheBadgerSetBand
Decibelles choir, Bookham
We sing together in term time, fortnightly, on Wednesday evenings, at Eastwick Road Church hall, Bookham. KT23 4BE.
Our choral leader is Hazel Hannam.
Decibelles sing a wide range of songs, usually as two to three part harmonies, pop, traditional, world music.
Our term fee is very reasonable as we are a not for profit choir. Taster session for £5.
Further information on our website
Mole Valley Silver Band
Mole Valley Silver Band has vacancies in the cornet section. We are a friendly and sociable band that regularly performs in various concerts and events in the Surrey area. If you used to play a brass instrument but haven’t played for a while, or you’re learning a brass instrument at school and would like to play in a band, then our training band is for you! Please do get in touch, we would love to hear from you! All ages welcome.
The training band rehearses term time only at a large venue in Dorking, Surrey on Mondays 5.45pm – 7.15pm. The main band also rehearses at Dorking on Monday evenings, all year round.
Contact the band secretary Sarah Kent (01372 456176 or or see our websites at and
Soul Rites Band
Soul Rites are a long established quality 10 piece band with a wide repertoire of classic soul, blues and dance tunes. We regularly perform at pubs, clubs , functions, festivals and prestigious events within the Surrey area and would welcome booking enquires. More information and contact details are readily available upon the website and our Facebook page
Effingham Ukes
During the lockdown we have continued to meet each Tuesday from 10.30am to 12 noon using the Zoom conferencing application. After a bit of experimentation, we found that the best way to run our sessions was with the group leader leading the singing/playing and all other participants muted. To make it easier to play-along, the group leader plays backing tracks. This approach has the added benefit that, other than the poor leader, no one can hear your mistakes or off-key singing.
We plan to reinstate our regular fortnightly meetings on Tuesdays from 10am to 12 noon in Effingham Methodist Church Hall as soon as we are allowed.
Tel. Tony on 07768 970325