The reserved matters planning application 19/P/01760 by Berkeley Homes for 159 houses on the Effingham Lodge farm site has been approved by Guildford Borough Council (GBC), after Berkeley Homes accepted the 21 conditions attached to the approval notice.
Significant changes since the planning application was first submitted is the removal of the second access to Lower Road for a few of the houses. There will now be only one access to Lower Road from the site.
Conditions have been imposed to take into account Effingham’s Dark Skies Policy ENV4.
All properties will be provided with Fibre Broad Band to the Premises to provide high quality broadband services and digital connectivity. Electrical charge points will be provided for all properties with on-plot vehicle parking, and provision also for apartments, to encourage the use of electrical cars to reduce carbon emissions.
Full details of the conditions and their rationale can be found on the GBC website at 19/P/01760
Great, so the new development gets Fibre to the Premises (up to 1GBps) while the rest of us slum it on FTTC (Fibre To The Cabinet up to 80MBps). And according to Open Reach, no plans to upgrade the rest of us. Remind me: just how is this benefiting me? But I’m sure it’ll be a comfort to all those electric vehicle owners to know their car is fully charged when they’re fighting for a parking place at one of the local railway stations or, more likely, along Effingham Common Road.