Effingham Parish Council (EPC), after reviewing the comments received on the Effingham Neighbourhood Plan (ENP) after the July 2016 consultation, has submitted, on Friday 3 March 2017, the revised Neighbourhood Plan to Guildford Borough Council (GBC) for Regulation 15 Consultation.
The submitted Neighbourhood Plan and supporting documentation can be viewed on the EPC website here.
GBC after checking that the documentation is complete, will publicise the ENP on their website, and invite comments under Regulation 15. After receiving comments, GBC will then submit the ENP along with any comments to a Neighbourhood Examiner, who will review the Plan against planning regulations. The Examiner can accept or refuse the plan, or can make recommendations for changes to the Plan, which will be published on the GBC website. If the Examiner accepts the Plan, the plan can then be submitted to a Referendum to the parish, who can then vote whether to accept the Plan or not. Further details of the 2012 legislation surrounding Neighbourhood Plans can be found here, and 2015 amendments here, and Government Policy here