SURREY COUNTY COUNCIL PROPOSE TO MAKE the above mentioned Temporary Order under Section 14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, the effect of which will be to prohibit vehicles from entering or proceeding in that length of High Barn Road (D268), Effingham that extends from its junction with Ranmore Common Road (C44), northwards to the access road to the property known as “Haneys”. The Order is required to enable HV cabling and/or pole replacement works on behalf of UK Power Networks. These works are anticipated to be carried out between the hours of 09.00 and 19.00 within one month of the six month period of operation of the Temporary Order, which commences on 21st December 2016. Advanced warning signs will be displayed and the temporary closure will only operate when the relevant traffic signs are displayed.
Access for pedestrians will be maintained at all times; cyclists and equestrians will be required to dismount and follow the pedestrian walkway. Access will be maintained at all times for residences and businesses on the affected length of High Barn Road (D268), only (including access for emergency services in the event of an emergency on this length of road). Due to the nature of the excavations required, it will not be possible to maintain access for any other motor vehicles through this temporary closure. Vehicular traffic will be diverted via Ranmore Common Road, Critten Lane and High Barn Road.
Details are High Barn Road – Diversion route High Barn Road – TM plan and High Barn Road – TM plan
Details of other road closures can be found at the Surrey County Council website here