EFFRA is sad to report the death of ex-Effingham resident, Jessica Page (née Harrold) on Monday 9th November at the age of 90, less than a month after the death of her husband Tony Page.
Jessica’s family moved to Effingham in 1939, just before the outbreak of World War 2. She married Tony in 1952 and they set up home in Effingham, where they raised their family. Like Tony, she involved herself in community affairs and served as a parish councillor, being Parish Council Chairman from 2000 to 2004 and Borough Councillor from 1995 to 1999.
Both Tony and Jessica are remembered with affection by the village. Their remains will be interred in St Lawrence Churchyard and it is hoped to hold a memorial service for them at St Lawrence Church in early 2021. EFFRA sends its condolences to Jessica’s family.