Planning application for new town at Wisley Airfield submitted

Taylor Wimpey has submitted planning application 22/P/01175 for the land at the former Wisley Airfield, for Planning permission for a Hybrid planning application for part of a new settlement and Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace (SANG) (within LPSS Policy A35 Allocation) with new vehicular and pedestrian/cyclist accesses, comprising:

a) Full Planning Application incorporating; i. a realigned section of the proposed Wisley Lane Diversion, to include a roundabout with a stub road as the primary access to serve the new settlement from Ockham Interchange; ii. a road junction access into the proposed employment area from the proposed Wisley Lane Diversion; iii. a new road junction as a secondary access to serve the new settlement from Old Lane; iv. SANG and associated infrastructure, including SANG car parks. v. Restricted access from Ockham Lane

b) Outline Planning Application (all matters reserved) for the phased development of part of a residential-led, new settlement comprising up to 1,730 dwellings (Class C3 use), 8 gypsy and travellers pitches, up to 100 units of housing for older people (Class C2 use) ), a mixed-use commercial local centre with public square, community hub and employment area alongside other commercial mixed-use neighbourhood centres located throughout and an employment area, (Classes E, F2(b), B2/B8, and sui-generis uses subject to specific planning permissions), a secondary school, a primary school, (Class F1(a)), up to 2 nurseries,(Class E (f)), also incorporating green infrastructure (including parks, neighbourhood greens and sports pitches (Class F2(c) and associated pavilion (Classes E(b) and (d), F2(b)), SANG other infrastructure, (Class E(b)), part of Wisley Lane Diversion between Ockham Interchange roundabout and realigned section of Wisley Lane Diversion, a vehicular / cycle / pedestrian sustainable transport corridor (linking the proposed Wisley Lane Diversion roundabout to Old Lane) and associated infrastructure and earthworks at land at the former Wisley Airfield (with construction access from Ockham Interchange and Elm Corner).

Further background information is available on the Taylor Wimpey website here, and the dedicated website

Anyone who wishes to comment on the planning application should do so by Tuesday 4 October 2022, via the GBC website Comment on 22/P/01175

Alternatively you can comment by post to the Planning Department at Guildford Borough Council, or via email to

1 thought on “Planning application for new town at Wisley Airfield submitted”

  1. VAWNT – Villages against Wisley New Town are campaigning against this development. Please join our mailing list

    We are also crowd funding to challenge this application

    There are many areas which WAG and VAWNT will question :
    Transport sustainability, effect on the LRN (Local Road Network), effect on the SRN (Strategic Road Network) i.e the A3 and M25, Station and train capacity, Educational provision, Medical provision, Water supply, Sewerage capacity, effects upon flora and fauna in the surrounding Special Protection Area ( SPA) and Site of Special Scentific Interest (SSSI), Footpaths, etc,etc

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