The Public Inquiry into Berkeley Homes’ appeal APP/Y3615/W/22/3298341 and appeal APP/Y3615/W/22/3298390, into planning applications 21/P/01306 for 110 homes at Effingham Lodge Farm, and 21/P/00428 for detailed design of 99 homes on the existing Howard of Effingham School site, will commence on Tuesday 20 September at 10:00 at the Guildford Borough Council Offices, Millmead, Guildford.
The Inquiry is expected to last for up to 11 days, sitting on 20th – 23rd September at Guildford, then on 27th – 30th September and 4th, 5th & 7th October at the Waverley Borough Council Offices in Godalming. Members of the public may attend the Inquiry on any of the sitting days. Effingham Parish Council would particularly welcome public attendance on the first day of the Inquiry, when you can hear the opening submissions from counsel, and the Inspector may allow members of the public to address the Inquiry on that first day.
Effingham Parish Council (EPC) is a “Rule 6” party to the inquiry, which means they have a barrister representing them, and will have four witnesses presenting evidence to support the case for refusal. Further details are on the EPC website here.