Work started today on the KGV Toddlers’ Playground. The old rotten fencing was removed and other preparatory work carried out. Installation of the new equipment will begin later in the week. The playground will be closed for about three weeks while the work is carried out to completely refurbish and extend the playground. The work on the playground is being funded by the generous donations, mainly from villagers, to the recent KGV Playground Appeal.
Why did the cherry tree next to the playground have to be felled? Its blossom is glorious at this time of year and never failed to lift the spirits. From an inexpert look at the stump I couldn’t see any rot which might have made it dangerous but maybe others found some?
The appeal organisers were intending to use the cherry tree in the playground both for shade as the tables would have been under its canopy and also as we knew the children loved climbing it. Unfortunately it was diseased and was condemned as being potentially unsafe. You can see the disease on the longest cut limb in the photo on the organisers’ Facebook page. Apparently cherry trees (and especially wild ones as this one was) do not have long lives and this one did have a very long life as lots of residents recall it from their own childhoods. So it was really sad but it had to be cut down. Perhaps more can be planted in the landscaping round the rebuild?