EFFRA and Effingham Parish Council (EPC) have issued a joint questionnaire to residents asking for your views on the proposed development of up to 2,068 homes at the site of the former Wisley airfield. This planning application was turned down by Guildford Borough Council and an Appeal by the developers will be held before an inspector in September. EFFRA and EPC will be making a statement to the Inquiry, which will be based on the views of residents. It was very clear at the recent Berkeley Homes Inquiry that statements based on the actual views expressed by residents carry more weight with the Inspector and it therefore important that as many residents as possible express their views to us in this questionnaire. We do appreciate that residents have been sent a number of questionnaires over the last year because of the ongoing Appeals and Plans being developed and we are hopeful that we will not need to issue any further questionnaires this year. We would therefore be very grateful if residents could complete and return this questionnaire.