Appeal granted for 110 homes on the Green Belt

The Planning Inspector has allowed appeal APP/Y3615/W/22/3298341 made by Berkeley Homes to build 110 homes on the Green Belt, with 41 planning conditions.

In the linked appeal, the Planning Inspector has dismissed appeal APP/Y3615/W/22/3298390, for the detailed planning application to build 99 homes on the current Howard of Effingham School site (which already has outline planning approval), due to the harm to the Little Bookham Conservation Area and Church of All Saints.

The full decision of the two appeals can be read here

2 thoughts on “Appeal granted for 110 homes on the Green Belt”

  1. When the inspector reviewing the neighbourhood plan said putting forward 6 houses on the Effingham lodge farm estate would open up the whole field, it was a shame the parish council did not heed his words. Now the people of Effingham are expected to pay an inflated parish precept to pay the legal costs of this fight and for the KGV amongst other things. ( Councillor Hogger advised that £52,000 was spent on their legal counsel. )Will the parish councillors who made the initial decision to plough ahead now fall on their swords and resign. I don’t think they have served the village very well.

    1. Totally agree with Sharon Dick. They should all go. Second time they have lost an appeal. The poor residents will now have to pay.

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