On Friday 23rd August Elisabeth Gaunt unveiled the new heritage board located in front of the parade of shops on The Street. This was very fitting as Elisabeth is the daughter of Sir Barnes Wallis, famed inventor of the bouncing bomb used in the Dam Busters’ raid, who lived in Effingham for nearly 50 years and is featured on the heritage board.
The project to produce the heritage board was a collaboration between the Effingham Residents Association (EFFRA) and the Parish Council. Funding was provided by Guildford Borough Council’s Concurrent Functions Grant Aid – the amount being matched by the Parish Council and topped up by EFFRA and Surrey County Council.
Effingham has a special history which is reflected in the designation of a Conservation Area in the centre of the village. The heritage board gives a brief history of the village and the people for whom it is best known – Sir Barnes Wallis and the Lord Howards of Effingham. It also identifies the main buildings of historical interest with their locations in the village which are also included in the Effingham Heritage Trail.
The text was written by qualified historical researcher Vivien White with support from Effingham Local History Group members Sue Morris and Jeremy Palmer. The board was designed by Squiggle Design of Dorking and the graphic map drawn by local freelance illustrator and storyboard artist, Leighton Johns.
The board has been erected in time for Heritage Open Day in Effingham and Little Bookham on Saturday 14th September which is co-ordinated by EFFRA with seven historic properties opening especially for Heritage Open Day this year.
Wonderful collaberative work. Thank you.