Berkeley Homes appeals 110 extra homes refusal

Berkeley Homes has submitted three appeals for the following planning applications:

Appeal APP/Y3615/W/22/3298341, against the refusal of planning application 21/P/01306 for 110 extra homes on the Effingham Lodge Farm site. This is the lead appeal, and is linked to appeal

Appeal APP/Y3615/W/22/3298390, against the refusal of planning application 21/P/00428 , for building of 99 homes on the existing Howard of Effingham school site.

Appeal against the refusal of planning application MO/2021/1472 for the change of use of the Howard of Effingham playing fields (eastern part in Bookham) from educational use to outdoor recreational use. This appeal is not yet up on the Planning Inspectorate website.

Details of the reasons that Berkeley Homes has provided for appealing these planning decisions are under the documents section of the original planning applications on the GBC and Mole Valley DC websites. Links to the planning applications above.

Anyone who has previously commented on the planning applications may respond to Berkeley Homes reasons for appealing the planning decisions by Friday 1 July 2022 to the Planning Inspectorate at

There will be a Public Inquiry, starting on 20 September 2022 at 10:00 in the Guildford Borough Council offices. Gareth Jones has been appointed as the planning Inspector. The Public Inquiry is currently scheduled to last 7 days.

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