Berkeley Homes (Southern) Ltd have submitted the detailed planning application for the development of 159 houses on Effingham Lodge Farm, Lower Road in planning application 19/P/01760
This is a Reserved Matters application pursuant to hybrid application 14/P/02109, which was initially refused by Guildford Borough Council, but was allowed on appeal subject to conditions, as reported in our post here, where the Inspectors report can be read.
As outline planning permission has already been approved for the site, comments can only be made on the detail of the design, and compliance with any conditions imposed by the Planning Inspector in his report which can be read here. In particular the Inspector stated in condition 1 accordance with the road movement and access parameter plan (drawing 2176-A-1504-J in the original planning application), which showed one access to the development from Lower Road, whereas the detailed planning application shows two accesses from Lower Road.
Anyone who wishes to comment on the planning application, should do so by 22 November 2019 via the Guildford Borough Council Planning Department wesbsite here