Mole Valley District Council has submitted their draft Local Plan for the period 2020-2037 for Regulation 19 consultation. Any comments received will be passed to the Planning Inspector who will then examine the Local Plan, to assess whether the plan has been prepared in accordance with legal and procedural requirements and if it is sound. It is expected that a public enquiry will be held as part of the examination.
The draft Mole Valley Local Plan is available on the Mole Valley website at
The most significant proposal affecting Effingham residents is Policy DS8, which involves building 200 homes plus 3 traveller pitches on the Green Belt at Preston Farm, Lower Road.
The other significant development is Policy DS11 for 5 self-build houses on the Green Belt on the land to the rear of Hunters Moon, Maddox Park, which is located on the NW edge of Little Bookham.
Advice on making comments is available at
Anyone who wishes to comment on the draft Mole Valley Local Plan, should do so by 7 November 2021.
By email:
By post: Planning Policy, Mole Valley District Council, Pippbrook, Dorking, Surrey, RH4 1SJ.
EFFRA will be reviewing the draft Local Plan, and will provide advice to residents on key points impacting on Effingham residents.