Please submit your answers to Effingham’s Environmental Survey by completing the short questionnaire here.
The survey runs until 05/06/2021
Climate change and its impact on the environment are increasingly in the news. More and more local councils and residents are starting to see what they can do to mitigate the effects. In response to this the Effingham Parish Council decided to start a Climate Change Group (CCG) in the Autumn of 2020 with the aim of making our village greener and shrinking its carbon footprint.
The CCG want to understand what your concerns about climate change are. We’d also like to know about any green steps you are taking and what you think the Climate Change Group should be doing. To help with this, we have created an online survey – accessed at the EFFRA link above – which we’d like you to participate in.
Filling in the survey should take no more than five minutes. Your answers will help us to act on your concerns, whether by attracting funding, carrying out local projects or running events.
All responses will be treated in full compliance with GDPR. Individual responses will only be seen by authorised members of the CCG, and any personal information will be treated in strict confidence. The anonymised results of the survey will be published on the EFFRA and EPC websites at the end of June 2021
Thank you very much for your time.