Effingham Residents Association will hold its Annual General Meeting on 22 February 2021 at 8:00 pm. Due to restrictions in place due to the Covid-19 emergency, the meeting will be held using the Zoom software, which is free to download from https://zoom.us/download
To access the meeting, you will need to enter the Meeting ID: 765 2857 1629 and passcode: kV2ScB
If the meeting runs beyond 40 minutes attendees are asked to rejoin using the same log in details. It would be appreciated if residents could notify the Secretary in advance if they intend to join the meeting, email: djking003@uwclub.net
The Agenda for the meeting is available at: EFFRA AGM_agenda_February_2021
Because of the Covid Emergency an EFFRA Newsletter containing the Chairman’s Report will not be printed and delivered this year. The Chairman’s Report and Treasurer’s Report will instead be made available on the website and a post will let residents know when they are available to view.
I think that Berkeley Homes are making the rise of costs to build the new school is an excuse to build another 10 homes. The costs may have risen by 35% but the purchase prices of the new houses will also go up too. If it’s not viable for Berkeley Homes to build a new school without the extra housing, why not simply abort the whole project.
The proposed new houses are not for the local people and neither is the new school. I believe, I was told, in 2011, that we only needed around 50 new houses to be built. The population in Effingham in 2011 was 2,711. I can’t see the need for this enormous, (out of character) housing estate, in a conservation area. Plus the loss of ancient woodland/green belt.