After over 20 years of dedicated service, David King is retiring from his role as Honorary Secretary to Effingham Residents Association (EFFRA). We are all very grateful to David and extend our thanks for his commitment and work David has done over the years as Secretary on the Committee for Effingham residents. The EFFRA Committee unanimously voted to co-opt David remaining a member of the Committee.
EFFRA is looking for a new Honorary Secretary. Their main role is to organise Committee meetings in collaboration with the Chairman, to keep a record of all decisions made as well as manage all formal correspondence sent and received by EFFRA. If you would like to know more about the role, or know someone who might be interested, please talk to a member of the Committee, or email the chairman, Vivien White at
EFFRA would also welcome new members to the Committee to help in the ongoing work to support the residents of Effingham such as the the Tradesmen Register, Litter Pick and planning applications.