The November edition of EFFRA’s newsletter has now been printed and is being delivered to all residents.
It focuses on the planning application submitted by Millgate Homes for 23 flats and houses on the 1.7 acre former playing fields of St Lawrence Primary School in Church Street owned by a group of local residents. Both EFFRA and the Parish Council are to object as the field was allocated for up to 9 dwellings in the adopted Effingham Neighbourhood Plan which was voted by the village. The application is seen as overdevelopment of this sensitive site at the centre of the Conservation Area and the most congested part of the village.
The Newsletter also reports the delay to the Berkeley Homes planning application for the new school, events in Effingham to mark the centenary of the end of World War 1 and the first anniversary of the launch of EFFR’s successful Effingham Tradesmen’s Register which helps residents find tradesmen who work in Effingham.