EPC reject plans from Berkeley Homes for more homes

Effingham Parish Council decided at their council meeting on 27 July to lodge a formal objection to plans by Berkeley Homes for an additional homes on the Lodge Farm site in Effingham.

They have released a press release announcing their decision which can be read here at: EPC_Press_release_280721.pdf

Anyone who wishes to object to planning application 21/P/01283 and 21/P/01306, can do so either by using the Borough Council’s public access portal at: https://www.guildford.gov.uk/commentonaplanningapplication
or via the EFFRA website at: https://effinghamresidents.org.uk/objection-to-110-homes

1 thought on “EPC reject plans from Berkeley Homes for more homes”

  1. As a former resident of this beautiful county and locally in Leathernead, Ashtead and Epsom Downs I appreciate at a distance the overdevelopment and uncharacteristic Housing proposed for Lodge Farm North.

    The JTP Plans, Elevations, but primarily the ‘master plan’ indicate the lack of variation or local heritage aspects. Simply put, these Houses are arranged without regard to the aspects. Looking on the limited sites and close proximity of dwellings they are an assortment of aspect. Some Living Rooms, Habitable rooms, North or East facing and others South and West facing. Thereby these houses disregard the appropriateness of having south or west facing habitable rooms.
    The limitations of trees and mature integrated landscaping is in a form that neither relates to nor compliments in any regard the layout and variety of Residential Planning that has grown in an organic form. There are examples of previous disregard of this special area with close proximity and ‘similar’ reparative land use, housing plans that fail to cohere with the areas special needs as a community village settlement with core essential environmental open area and any ‘field’ use, sports use, is sadly now conceived with MUGA recreation areas associated with struggling urban locations on brownfield sites as a replacement for lost school facilities.

    I support your attempts at closing out this application and the thoughts here if seeming appropriate to you in any way can be copied in part or whole as you feel appropriate.

    I strongly wish to see this applications refusal.

    Yours John


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