Fatal and serious collisions have not reduced in Surrey over recent years, and our previous road safety strategy has expired.
Therefore, the Surrey RoadSafe Partnership consisting of Surrey County Council (including Surrey Fire and Rescue Service), Surrey Police, the Police and Crime Commissioner for Surrey, and National Highways have collaborated to develop a new “Vision Zero” Road Safety Strategy.
Surrey RoadSafe Partnership want you to tell them what you think about their proposals to work towards zero deaths and serious injuries on our roads. Please complete their survey by midnight 24 March 2024, at visionzerosurrey.commonplace.is/?utm_campaign=NewCommonplaces12_01_2024&utm_source=cp-email&utm_medium=email
Surrey County Council’s draft ‘Vision Zero’ Road Safety Strategy 2024 to 2035 can be viewed at www.surreycc.gov.uk/roads-and-transport/road-safety/strategy-2024-to-2035