The Public Enquiry into the appeal by Wisley Property Investments Ltd., reference APP/Y361/W/16/3159894, to planning application 15/P/00012 heard the closing submissions yesterday (20 October 2017). The planning application was for the development of up to 2,068 dwellings at the site of the former Wisley Airfield.
It is surprising that there has been so little coverage of the Public Enquiry in the press, and on the Wisley Action Group website. Especially when there was so much local interest and opposition to the planning application, with six Rule 6 parties.
Highways England maintained their objection to the planning application, and asked that the Inspector ‘recommend that the appeal be dismissed on account of its unacceptable impact on the strategic road network, in particular on the northbound A3 between Ockham and M25 Junction 10′.
Guildford Borough Council maintained their objection to the planning application, on grounds of unacceptable development in the Green Built, and that the Inspector should ignore the draft Local Plan.