Guildford Borough Council (GBC) planning committtee are to consider planning application 19/P/01451 for the Howard of Effingham replacement school, following consultations recieved, and planning officers report. Outline planning permission has already be given following the planning appeal, so this is just to consider the detailed design of the school. The Planning Committee are considering the planning application, as more than 20 objections were recieved.
Planning officers have recommended that the application is accepted subject to 16 conditions. Details of their recommendations can be read here 19P01451 – Effingham Lodge Farm, Lower Road, Effingham, Leatherhead, KT24 5JP
Effingham Parish Council (EPC) and Effingham Residents Association (EFFRA), as objectors, will each give a short presentation on their concerns over the two pieces of land that have been removed from the school boundaries which were in the original outline planning application. Berkeley Homes have stated that there intention is to build a further 55 houses on this land, although at this stage no planning application has been recieved.
The Planning Committee meeting starts at 7pm on Wednesday 8 January, in the Council chambers at the Council offices at Millmead House in Guildford. And is open to the public.