Litter Pick Saturday 6 July

Summer is here! At the moment it’s cool but sunny; I can’t promise anything for July 6 but let’s hope for dry, sunny and warm!

We are back at St Lawrence Church Hall. Please arrive at 1:45pm to be ready to start the pick at 2pm. Like last time equipment will be available for those who don’t have it – but if you have a litter picker and/or gardening gloves do bring them to use.

We will have a list of potential routes to do focussing on the village centre, the KGV and the main roads through the village which we keep refining. If you have any suggestions of roads/paths that especially need doing please let me know so that I can make sure they are on the list. Similarly, if there are roads that are regularly litter picked please let me know so that we don’t include them.

Please let EFFRA know if you will be coming on Saturday 6 July. Please register by filling in the Litter Pick registration form. If you aren’t sure if you can come, please just turn up if you are able to. It just helps to have an idea of likely numbers. Obviously, if the weather is dire on the day we will postpone the litter pick and let everyone know who has registered.

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