Surrey County Council has anounced that there will be a phased reopening of most of Surrey’s community recycling centres (CRC) from Monday 11 May. Restrictions will be in place to make sure that each facility can operate in line with Public Health England guidelines to protect the safety of staff and residents.
The number of people allowed on site at one time will be limited and there will be revised opening hours and changes to what materials are accepted. During the first reopening phase only black bag waste and garden waste will be accepted. Residents should only use the CRCs if they absolutely need to, and must check for the latest information before they travel, as these arrangements are subject to change. Please see individual site information for further details.
No vans, pick-ups or trailers will be allowed into the CRCs during the initial phases of re-opening
Leather and Guildford Community Recycling Centres will be open, whilst Dorking will remain closed.
Full details on the Surrey CC website here