A planning application (Planning reference 18/P/01924), for the former primary school playing field on Church Street has been submitted to Guildford Borough Council by Millgate Developments Ltd, on behalf of its owners who are listed as local residents Andrew Bedford and David Worsfold.
The application on the 1.7 acre plot is for 23 dwellings – 17 houses and 6 apartments, of which 9 will be affordable. The application lists between 46 and 48 parking spaces on site. There is intended to be a new access road from Lower Road next to Ambledown and pedestrian/cycle access to Church Street.
This field (centre of picture) is in the Effingham Neighbourhood Plan which was voted for by the village for “up to 9 dwellings.”, and has been formally adopted by Guildford Borough Council. It is located in the Effingham Conservation Area and has a number of nationally listed buildings close by – the most significant being St Lawrence Church Grade II* (on right hand side of the picture) and The Lodge Grade II (top of the picture).
EFFRA supported the Neighbourhood Plan and has previously opposed 20+ dwellings on this site. It will consider the application and communicate its response to Guildford Borough Council and to residents as soon as practicable.
Effingham Parish Council will consider the planning application at its meeting on Tuesday 30th October. Millgate Developments Ltd. will give a public presentation of their proposal at 8pm at the KGV before the Parish Council Meeting.
The deadline for comments to Guildford Borough Council is Friday 9th November.
Comments (which should include the Planning Application number 18/P/01924 and include your name and address) can be made:
- through the Guildford Borough Council online comment system
- by emailing planningenquiries@guildford.gov.uk and either commenting in the email or attaching a letter
- by writing to: Guildford Borough Council,
For the Attention of Planning Enquiries,
Millmead House, Millmead,
Guildford, Surrey GU2 4BB