As previously posted, The Street will be closed for through traffic next week from Monday to Friday (20-24 March), to allow UK Power Networks to install a new connection. Residents will still be able to access their houses, and the shops can be accessed from the north via Lower Common Road or Effingham Common Road.
The following week, traffic lights will be installed from Monday 27 March to Friday 31 March, to allow SES Water to install a new connection.
For three weeks from Monday 3 April until Friday 22 April, traffic lights will be installed to allow Surrey County Council to install speed tables, drainage works and footway works affecting Effingham Common Road, The Street, Lower Road and Orestan Lane. The details are:
- Effingham Common Road from the junction of Leewood Way to the min-roundabouts,
- The Street from outside Middle Farm Cottage to the min-roundabouts,
- Lower Road from outside Lutyens Close to The Street,
- Orestan Lane from outside the Old Police House to Effingham Common Road.