Guildford Borough Council has published the indicative timetable for the Public inquiry into appeal APP/Y3615/W/16/3151098 by Berkley Homes & Howard of Effingham into refusal of planning application 14/P/02109, which is available here
Effingham residents are asked to support Guildford Borough Council (GBC) and Effingham Parish Council (EPC) in defending the appeal by attending the Inquiry. It is important that there are residents attending the Inquiry each day so EFFRA is co-ordinating a rota. Please let us know if you are intending to attend and which day by filling in the form and if you require a lift or can offer a car share.
Can someone update the link to where / when the meetings are being held?
Link now working again
Next meeting is 10:00 on Tuesday 23 May in G-Live
Our four Parish Councillors have done a great job as witnesses at the Inquiry. A good number of residents came along to support them which was commented on by the Inspector. The remainder of the Inquiry will be at GBC’s offices at Millmead starting each day at 9.30 – unless changed by the Inspector which we will try to post on the website (except no sitting on Monday 29th May) with the lunch break varying but usually around 1pm for an hour. The Appellants are now presenting their case and will be cross examined by GBC’s and EPC’s barristers. Residents are encouraged to attend even if only for an hour or two as they can freely enter and leave the Inquiry as long as they do it quietly and keep their mobile phones off or muted!
Tomorrow (Thursday) from 9.30 Helen Pennington, Head of the Howard School, will be giving evidence and being cross examined, followed by Rhona Barnfield, Executive Head.