Devastating news following the major fire at the Village Supermarket yesterday. An assessment of the damage has revealed the building is structural unsafe at the rear and will need to be demolished. Bevans Butches has suffered extensive fire and heat damage, far worse than they thought yesterday. Three vans load of meat has been damaged and is unfit for sale, all the electrics have been damaged, and even their knives have suffered heat damage.
This is a major loss to the village, we are not without a village supermarket, newsagent, Post Office and butchers. It is too early to speculate when the businesses will be able to return to The Street, but it will be many months at the earliest.
EVRT have confirmed that they will do everything possible to help both businesses, and hopefully they may be able to partially open in the coming weeks.
EFFRA sends its deepest sympathy to Robin and all the staff at Effingham branch of Bevans Butchers for the loss of the business and the impact it will have on their jobs. We hope that they will be able reopen their business in the near future.