Draft Local Plan will strengthen cultural, historical and physical wellbeing within Guildford borough
History, culture and heritage contribute significantly to sense of place and appeal of the borough
Many places have limited access for most people despite the green appeal of the land
Draft Local Plan includes provision for green and public spaces in proposed developments
In a rural environment, steeped in history and natural appeal, protecting local culture, heritage and much-loved countryside is a vital part of Guildford borough’s draft Local Plan. Additionally, by identifying neighbourhoods where there is a shortage of green and public spaces, future provision for suitable facilities can encourage sports participation and levels of fitness. Across both heritage and health, the draft Plan will help to enhance people’s quality of life, foster social and cultural interests and increase the vibrancy of the area.
Read more here
To make the consultation accessible for everyone, feedback can be provided in a number of ways using a representation form. We encourage people to submit their comments online or you can email it to localplan@guildford.gov.uk or send it through the post to the Council. Paper copies of the form are available from the Council’s Millmead office reception, local libraries, at the drop-in events or by phoning 01483 444471.
All feedback must be received by the Council by 11.59pm on Monday 18 July 2016.