The four-week consultations run from 12 noon on Monday19 September 2016 to 11:59 pm on Monday 17 October 2016.
The purpose of the draft Thames Basin Heaths Special Protection Area Avoidance Strategy Supplementary Planning Document is to provide guidance to developers when making planning applications for new housing and other developments which may have an effect on the Thames Basin Heaths Special Protection Area (SPA). It primarily sets out an approach whereby new residential development within five kilometres of the SPA can avoid adverse effects on the SPA by providing Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace (SANG) as an alternative site for recreation, and by funding access management and monitoring measures on the SPA itself.
Once adopted, it will replace the current Thames Basin Heaths Special Protection Area Avoidance Strategy 2009-2016.
The draft Planning Contributions Supplementary Planning Document amplifies and provides guidance on how we apply existing Local Plan policies relating to planning contributions, in particular Policy G6 “Planning Benefits”. As infrastructure often needs to be provided, improved or expanded to absorb the impact of new development, it is legitimate to expect developers to contribute towards the financing of new or improved infrastructure directly related to those impacts. Other planning contributions will be required to ensure compliance with existing local plan policies.
Once adopted, it will replace the current Planning Contributions SPD 2011