An announcement from Effingham Village Recreation Trust (EVRT), the charity that runs the KGV playing fields, KGV Hall, and cricket field.
Effingham Parish Council has agreed to take on the role of Sole Trustee of Effingham Village Recreation Trust, the charity that runs the KGV Hall and Fields. This followed a formal request from the current EVRT Board of Managing Trustees, as reported here:
The EVRT Trustees will presently revise the EVRT charity scheme to make Effingham Parish Council the Sole Trustee. This change will not take effect until at least June.
Meanwhile, the Trustees will be holding an online meeting at 19:30 on Friday 13 May at which a presentation will be given of the rationale for making this change. Additionally, residents in the area of benefit have the opportunity to submit to EVRT comments on the Revised Scheme before its finalised form is sent to the Charity Commission; the deadline for submitting comments is Friday 27 May.
Details of the meeting’s registration procedure and of the comment submission procedure may be found on the EVRT website at this page: