Since this public consultation, Highways England has been analying the results and further developing the scheme options, and are now pleased to announce that the preferred option for this scheme is Option 14, the elongated roundabout. This option adds more capacity and provides dedicated free-flow left turns for all traffic using the roundabout. It also provides pedestrians, cyclists and horse riders with segregated crossings at the junction.
Whilst a majority of consultation respondents (64%) stated a preference for Option 9 (the 4-level flyover), a large number of respondents highlighted real concerns about the environmental impact it would have on the environmentally sensitive surrounding area. As a result, they have undertaken further refinements to the outline design of Option 14 and it now offers both better safety and congestion performance than was presented during consultation, along with a lesser environmental impact. They believe this refined option delivers the best possible scheme to meet everyone’s needs.
The scheme will also deliver the widening of the A3 between Ockham Junction and Painshill Junction from three to four lanes, adding much needed capacity, improving traffic flow and reducing delays. To ensure that all road users are safe, and to prevent conflict between vehicles directly entering and exiting a four-lane high speed section of the A3, direct accesses onto and off of the A3 between these junctions will be stopped up.
The land surrounding M25 junction 10 and the A3 presents a number of challenges for developing the scheme and many of the environmental constraints make the development of the side road access arrangements challenging. However, they have spoken with stakeholders and landowners at length about alternative access arrangements and believe that the preferred option offers the best solution for all users, whilst minimising the environmental impact.
Full details of the preferred option is available here
Early in 2018 there will be Statutory public consultation. Formal planning permission (Development Consent Order) will be applied for during 2018/19, with the aim of beginning construction in 2020.
Full details of the project are available here