An Appeal has been launched to raise money to replace the play equipment in the toddlers’ playground at the KGV. The playground is currently closed for safety reasons as the main tower piece of play equipment is broken. However, there is only enough money available from the Trustees and Effingham Parish Council to do the essential work of replacing the safety matting and the broken tower play equipment. As the remaining play equipment is of the same age as the broken tower and really needs replacing now two local mums, Vicky Harris and Sarah Montgomery together with Louise Wishart who runs Loolabels at the KGV and Vivien White, EFFRA’s Chairman have launched an Appeal to raise the money to replace the rest of the equipment and matting.
The KGV land was originally bought by a group of Effingham residents which included Sir Barnes Wallis for use as playing fields and for outside sports and games and the erection of a Village hall and Social Centre. It was to be for the welfare or benefit of the inhabitants and to be called King George’s Field. They gave it to the Parish Council in 1947 to be held by it in a Trust for the benefit of the village. It was first registered as a charity in 1951 with the current charity dating from 2009. The KGV charity exists to benefit the village and is self-funding.
At least £18,000 is needed to replace all the equipment. There are collection tins in local shops or the organisers can be contacted by emailing
Please donate to the KGV Toddler’s Playground Appeal, and give our children the playground they deserve.