Further to our post of 19 June, 143 of the “lost” objections to planning application 21/P/01306 have now been validated and posted on the Guildford Borough Council (GBC) website. GBC says it has contacted all the authors of the newly posted objections who should have received an email on 23 June from danielle.rans@guildford.gov.uk attaching a letter informing them of the appeal. They have been given 28 days from the date of the letter to submit comments to the Planning Inspector ie 20 July.
Please note that this date only applies to authors of the newly posted objections and authors of objections previously posted MUST submit their comments by 1 July as detailed in our post of 25 July.
If you think you may be an author of a “lost” objection and have not received notification from GBC by email please check your spam box.
Authors of the newly posted objections can, in addition to using the portal or post mentioned in the letter sent to them, alternatively email the Planning Inspectorate at elizabeth.humphrey@planninginspectorate.gov.uk They must also provide their name and address, the appeal reference number, the address of the appeal site and say they are against the appeal proposals and explain why as detailed in our post of 25 June.
EFFRA is still in conversation with GBC over additional objections that did not have postal addresses and which GBC has not validated and the “lost and found” objections to planning application 21/P/01283 which was approved.