Minutes of Meeting
held in the Parish Room on 12th May 2016
Present: Chairman Vivien White
Treasurer Juliet Newton-Smith
James Brennan, Roland McKinney, Ian Smith, James Wetenhall
Guest Harry Clarke
- Apologies for absence: David King, Howard Manton, Kay Palmer.
- Minutes of previous meeting: 5-5-16, approved with amendment
- Matters Arising
GGG are organising a Road Show on the draft local Plan and one may be held in Effingham.
- Planning
JN-S to draft a letter re Tollgate Farm and copy to EPC.
Following the Committee’s agreement to set up a system to notify Road Wardens of planning applications, JW will provide JB with details of planning applications to send to Road Wardens.
- Press – Nothing to report
- Treasurer’s Report
Current account £988.47 Deposit account £3,817.84
- Website Report
The Committee thanked Harry Clarke who had agreed to take over as editor of the EFFRA website. It was agreed that HC and VW should consider what changes should be made to the website and an editorial policy.
- Other Meetings – nothing to report.
- Draft Leaflet for Residents on Local and Neighbourhood Plans.
A draft of the Leaflet for Residents was circulated and agreed. The Parish Council was intending to issue the draft Neighbourhood Plan under Regulation 14 at the beginning of the week commencing 15th June. It was agreed that the EFFRA leaflet should be printed once Regulation 14 had been announced and passed to Road Wardens for distribution as soon as possible. Action VW & JB
Next meeting: Parish Room, Thurs. 16-6-16, 20.00hrs. later changed to 23-6-16, 20.00hrs
V. White iss. 20.06.16