Minutes of EFFRA meeting 23 June 2016

EFFRA LOGOMinutes of Meeting held in the Parish Room on 23th June 2016
Present:          Chairman                     Vivien White
Secretary                     David King
Treasurer                     Juliet Newton-Smith
James Brennan, Harry Clarke, R.McKinney, Ian Smith, James Wetenhall


  1. Apologies: H.Manton
    Harry Clarke was welcomed to the committee.

Item A Neighbourhood Plan (NP)
VW tabled analysis to date of survey responses (approx. 120) showing enormous support for EFFRA committee views.
JB to send email chaser to Road Wardens in wk. 237-6-16 to ensure all answers are received.
JN-S will check the spread sheet of answers and engage an independent analyser to audit the results.
— Deadline for response is 18-7-16. EFFRA must use the NP due process in responding
ALL agreed to submit personal responses and to make formal representation by sending a letter with comments to the Clerk.
HC and DK are well advanced in their personal responses and will make these available soonest to other members
— The housing number of 62 and methodology to reach it has previously been strongly contested by R.McK. and VW. R.McK. will do a draft on this subject for inclusion in EFFRA response. So far 80% of survey replies disagree with 62 homes.
— the reply to the Pre-app on ELF submitted to GBC by ENPAG is very inconclusive.
VW undertook to draft the EFFRA response.
— NP process programme is:

  1. EPC review/revise NP in light of current consultation.
  2. NP (revised) goes to Health Check if EPC request.
  3. NP goes to GBC for Reg. 15 consultation and may accept or reject policies (probably Autumn 2016).
  4. Planning Inspector reviews and accepts or rejects policies.
  5. EPC reviews again and if agrees goes out to Referendum of the village.
  6. If rejected, NP goes through whole process again!

Item B Local Plan
— responses required to GBC by 18-7-16.
— VW passed official GBC consultation docs. to members.
—Effingham Common is likely to be demoted from SANG status. This is seen as good news.
— It was agreed that it would be totally legitimate for EFFRA to comment on Wisley Airfield site since it would have definite impact on Effingham.
— It was agreed that members would respond as individuals.
HC has prepared an initial draft on the LP and will email to committee. This can be used as a guide to others in their responses. It would also be worth looking at the GGG draft response.
— EPC are holding a Public Meeting on Sat. 25-6-16. VW, R.Mck., IS, JW volunteered to attend.

  1. Minutes of previous meeting: 12-5-16, approved.
  2. Matters arising: none
  3. Planning
  • Tollgate Farm: buildings have not yet been demolished. GBC Enforcement is due to visit by end June, claiming that they are keeping an eye on the site.
  • Upper Leewood Farm: it was felt that there was very little EFFRA could do and that EPC should pursue this issue.

It was agreed that planning applications of interest to the community at large should be posted on EFFRA website; the PO application is an example. JW to advise HC of such Applications.

  1. Press: Surrey Ad. published article in 10-6-16 issue re. NP. It was felt to favour EFFRA view.
  2. Treasurer: Current account stands at £1088, deposit at £3819. Some invoices need clarification. JN-S to consult Kay Palmer. VW/JN-S will ask IS to take over Kay’s role to look after revenue/advertisers.
  3. Website: HC must have access to web admin. Manager. HC to arrange for letter to DK for him, as Hon. Sec., to confirm HC’s position as web editor. JN-S to set up “Editor@EFFRA” address for HC. It was agreed to ask Jeremy Palmer to deputise for HC during holiday absence.
  4. Other meetings: nothing to report.


9.1 Community Grant has not progressed.

9.2 Heritage week-end is 17/18 Sept.   VW still awaiting £500 for community grant. Aim is to try to have around 1,000 residents participating; this could help in regard to the Berkeley Appeal.
9.3 Effingham Common car park DK read out a draft response posted on EPC minutes of last meeting but no letter has been received by EFFRA.
9.4 Additional committee member It was agreed that the committee should look to co-opt another member, preferably a lady, who could also act as dep. Hon. Sec. All to consider possible candidates.
9.5 EPC It was reported that Hilda Brazil has resigned from EPC. No members of committee willing to put themselves forward as candidates.
9.6 Meeting with C. Bell and A. Lightfoot: it was agreed to hold a meeting with them following their representation to VW. VW, DK, JN-S to represent EFFRA if available; VW to reply to CB/AL.
Next meeting: Parish Room, Thurs. 14-7-16, 20.00hrs.

D.J. King (Hon. Sec.)                                                                       iss: 01revA, 18-7-16

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