The independent examiner of the Effingham Neighbourhood Plan, Mr Peter Biggers BSc Hons MRTPI, has been reviewing the responses received under the recent publicity stage under Regulation 16 of the Neighbourhood Planning Regulations. The examiner is aware that a number of representations have been made in respect of whether the proposed housing sites SA1, SA2 and SA3 meet the basic conditions especially the national policy in respect of the Green Belt set out in the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF).
Concern has been expressed whether sites SA1 and SA2, if developed could be considered ‘limited infilling in villages’ as set out in the NPPF, and whether the scale of development would be appropriate in other respects notably the relationship of development to the Effingham Conservation Area and listed buildings.
Concern has been expressed regarding site SA3 and the extent to which it can be considered to be previously developed land for the purposes of Green Belt policy in the NPPF, and whether the level of development proposed would be appropriate.
Effingham Parish Council (EPC) has been given the opportunity to respond to the representations raised in respect to housing sites SA1, SA2 and SA3 and to provide a statement and questions from the examiner by Friday 28 July. Respondents who submitted comments on these issues (which includes Effingham Residents Association) will be given two weeks to comment on the EPC response.
After receiving all the evidence that the examiner requires, he must complete his examination with a recommendation to Guildford Borough Council (GBC) as to whether:
- The plan as submitted to GBC meets the Basic Conditions and can proceed to the local referendum stage.
- The plan can proceed to the local referendum stage subject to certain modifications being made in order that it meets the Basic Conditions.
- The plan does not meet the Basic Conditions and should not proceed to the local referendum stage.