Affinity Water will have a Drop In session at East Horsely Village Hall on the 11th of October starting at 10:30 to answer questions and give details on the Trunk Main replacement works along Ockham Road South.
Affinity Water have identified problems with the fresh water supply in Ockham Road South and many of the adjoining roads between the junction of the A246 Guildford Road, north to a point near the junction with Lynx Hill. To resolve this they need to renew their trunk mains pipe in that section of the road.
Ockham Road South will be closed to through traffic from Tuesday 31st of October to Friday 1 December, and from Monday 8 of January to Wednesday 31 January 2024. This is to allow Affinity Water to replace the trunk mains water pipe.
The current proposed diversion is via The Street in Effingham, Effingham Junction and Forest Road which is not ideal, an alternative route via The Street in West Horsley is also being considere, and also is not ideal.
Oh joy. We do need water mains upgraded, as that is important work, so will just have to bite the bullet, but I am not looking forward to the probable chaos. Parked cars in Effingham along The Street near the Queen Stage make it hard enough as it is. There is working going on at the moment at the junction of The Street and Lower Road, and the chaos yesterday at school turnout time with buses, coaches etc was a sight to behold! I’m concerned that adjacent roads like Church Street could become a rat run.
Its very much not ideal as Forest Road is to be closed for SIX MONTHS (27th Nov – 27th May)from The Drift to Old Lane which is at the same time as these works. A whole section of Forest Road will be trapped in during overlap.
Are Affinity water aware that their proposed alternative route via Forest Road also have planned resurfacing works and this road is due to be closed from Nov 2023-May2024. With both these works going on residents of Forest Road and the surrounding streets will be literally trapped and unable to get to the A246 eastbound without a 20min diversion. Suggest one of these works needs to be postponed!
I understand that Surrey County Council is responsible for deciding diversion routes, taking into account what other road works are occurring in the area, as they are the authority for approving road works.