This evening (20 March 2019), Surrey County Council’s Guildford Joint Committee considered the petition on safety concerns outside the school. The petition was submitted by Claire Jones and supported by EFFRA which helped with its organisation. The petition had 218 signatories online and over 40 on the paper petition in only 14 days. It was also supported by the St Lawrence school community, the Parish Council and St Lawrence Church. After Claire Jones spoke to the Joint Committee, it agreed that the County Council’s Safer Travel Team should investigate concerns and report back to the school and local county councillor Julie Iles. Any potential highway improvements will go to a future meeting of the Joint Committee. Claire Jones was thanked for bringing forward the petition and EFFRA for its role in assisting her.
You can read details of the petition and the response which was approved by the Joint Committee here.St Lawrence of Effingham Petition Response
Claire Jones and EFFRA look forward to some positive measures being recommended and introduced to improve the safety of this dangerous junction for children crossing to and from school.