Wisley Property Investments Ltd. has submitted an Appeal, reference APP/Y361/W/16/3159894, to planning application 15/P/00012, which was rejected by Guildford Borough Council on 8 April 2016. The original application stated
AMENDED DESCRIPTION: Outline planning permission for the phased development of a new settlement of up to 2,068 dwellings incorporating up to 100 sheltered accommodation units and associated infrastructure including accesses onto the A3 (Ockham Interchange), Ockham Lane and Old Lane and revised access to Elm Corner, a primary/secondary school, community provision, nursery provision, health facility, a local centre (incorporating food & drink, retail, a visitor centre and offices), employment area, 8 travellers pitches, sports and recreational facilities (incorporating a floodlit sports pitch and pavilion). Sustainable Drainage Systems and an area of Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace (SANG) incorporating a landform feature and car parking. The erection of associated utilities infrastructure. The development proposal to incorporate the demolition/ removal of the runway and VOR Beacon (and any associated outbuildings). ?Matter for determination is access (with matters of scale, appearance, landscaping and layout reserved).
There will be a Public Enquiry to hear the appeal. A date has not yet been set.
Anyone who wants to make any comments on the Appeal, or to revise any previous representation, must do so by 12 Dec. 2016, either online at https://acp.planninginspectorate.gov.uk/ViewCase.aspx?caseid=3159894, or by writing to the Planning Inspector at:
Leanne Palmer
The Planning Inspector
Room 3/0
Temple Quay House
2 The Square