The Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government, has issued his decision today on the Appeal by Wisley Property Investments Ltd., reference APP/Y361/W/16/3159894, to planning application 15/P/00012 heard the closing submissions yesterday (20 October 2017). The planning application was for the development of up to 2,068 dwellings at the site of the former Wisley Airfield.
The Secretary of State has accepted the Inspectors report, and consequently the appeal has been dismissed. The main reasons for rejecting the appeal are:
- Substantial harm to the Green Belt contrary to National Planning Policy
- Severe impact on the strategic road network of M25 and A3
Also noted that Guildford Borough Council does not have a five year housing supply, and that the emerging Local Plan is currently being considered by an Inspector.
The full decision by the Secretary of State, and the Inspectors report can be read 18-06-13 DL+IR Wisley Airfield 3159894