63% of the target of £18,000 target has now been raised for the refurbishment and enlargement of the KGV Toddlers’ Playground. This includes hundreds of donations from local residents including recent particularly generous donations by local resident Phillip Davies of £5,000 and a £1,000 donation by Alan Brown, President of the Effingham Playing Fields Association. The recent Welly Walk (see post of 12th March) has so far raised over £600.
The organisers thank everyone who has made donations and ask residents to continue making donations as every donation, however small, helps us get nearer the target and is gratefully received. The easiest way to make a donation is through the Appeal’s online Virgin Money Giving KGV Toddler Playground Appeal page where Gift Aid can also be claimed – this adds an extra 25% from the tax man to the donation. Cheques can also be sent to the KGV made out to The Effingham Village Recreation Trust and endorsed For The Toddlers’ Playground Appeal on the reverse. If residents pay tax please use a Gift Aid form available from either Loolabells, the manager of the KGV or by emailing friendsofkgveffingham@gmail.com or phoning 07877 359724. Donation tins are also available in local shops.
You can follow the Appeal on its Facebook KGV Playground Appeal page.